
I am an associate professor at Shandong Normal University. I received my Ph. D. degree in Computer Science from Université de Strasbourg and INSA de Strasbourg under supervision of Prof. Denis Cavallucci and Prof.Cecilia Zanni-Merk. I did the post-doc research at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 of France from Sept.24,2019 to Sept.21,2020. My research mainly focus on Knowledge Graph, especially on the knowledge modeling and knowledge inference.

Research Area

Knowledge Graph, Conceptualisation, Ontologies and Formal Models, Rule-based (Crisp, Fuzzy) Inference


  • Dec.26,2020: I am a CCF YOCSEF Jinan Committee member.
  • Dec.18,2020: A Computer Software Copyright named "Intelligent CV V1.0" is granted.
  • Sept.21,2020: I finished the one-year postdoc research in Lyon, France.